Three Reasons Not To Hire A Videographer

It’s a great feeling when a client says something like, “Wow, wow, wow!!! Amazing. Jeepers Guys, just loving the work here.” It’s like a rush of happiness sweeps through your body and it makes everything feel worthwhile.

 It would be nice if you could bottle up that emotion and share it with everyone.

 It would be even nicer if you could share it with potential clients to show them just how amazing you are.

 Wishful thinking aside, the secret to scaling your business is to create success story videos of your favourite clients talking from the heart, about how they truly think and feel about how you solved their problems and transformed their lives.

These video stories should be the power source behind every sales campaign you start as they provide unequivocal, social proof that what you do works.

However, every day we meet people who wish that other people knew how amazing they were.

They know they achieve amazing results.

They’re just waiting until they have the budget to be able to hire a videographer to bring their success stories to life.

If this is you, then listen to me, because you’re missing a massive opportunity – you don’t need to hire a videographer – you can do it yourself.

In fact, let me tell you a secret.

You may actually be the best person to create your video stories.


Many videographers are far more into their cameras and lights than the heart of your story.

Many of them don’t care about what you do. Many of them don’t know what you do. And many of them have no idea how you transform your customer’s life. But you, you know your customers. You care about them. You know what challenges they face. You know how you helped them. And you know how you transformed their life. You know their story, so you know what questions to ask.

The best interviews happen when the person in front of the camera feels completely relaxed but your videographer is a stranger to your customer.

Your favourite customer has never met your videographer. How will your videographer get them to open up in front of the camera? How will they encourage them to tell them what they really think and feel? It takes amazing skill to get a stranger to go deep and talk from the heart. But you’re not a stranger. They trust you and so, they’ll talk to you about it. This is what creates the magic of an amazing, success story video.

Your potential customers don't care about the quality of the video they care about the transformation you created.

Your potential customers aren’t grading you on the quality of your video. That would be like choosing you because you drive an Aston Martin – or put the other way not choosing you because you drive a Mazda. The camera on your smart phone is now so amazing that you have everything you need to create a good quality video. They’re not picking you because you created a video that could win a film award – they’re choosing you because you’re the best at what you do and what better way to prove that than showing them someone talking from the heart about how you transformed their life.

 So, if you want to bottle up that amazing feeling that you get when you hear someone talking about how amazing you are and how you transformed their life – then you need to forget about hiring a videographer and get out your phone and start filming your favourite customers talking from the heart about how you transformed their life. That’s the easiest and fastest route to building your business.