Create massive employee engagement!

“We engaged Real TV to help us with a shout out to our teams around the country that have made you know, significant sacrifices through the covid period. A shout out to say ‘thank you’ but also a shout out to show them what their efforts meant to our customers. So we played the video as part of the opening sequence of our sales roadshow and, it was just such an emotional way to start what was a really important couple of days for us. It’s all well and fine that you get some guys from head office round a roadshow saying, ‘thank you,’ that’s all cool but we really wanted them to totally appreciate and understand what our customers thought of the efforts that they’d gone to over that period of time. At the end of every video there was a huge round of applause, from everybody and you could just feel the energy in the room. Just incredibly emotional to be honest with ya.” At the end of every video there was a huge round of applause, from everybody and you could just feel the energy in the room.” – Scott Hedgman, GM Sales Freightways